The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Hello from sunny Colorado! It's a far cry from Pennsylvania, but I still hold fond memories of my Penn State days! Since graduation from the Behrend campus of Penn State, I've been married almost 20 years, and have 4 children. I had worked as a disc jockey for Froggy 94.7 FM for 5 years until my 3rd child was born in 1998. Then I became a full-time mom. My family moved to Colorado Springs in 2005. In 2006 I joined the Naval Reserves, and have been enjoying being a part of the "Rocky Mountain Navy" ever since! Many different opportunities have been afforded me since moving to Colorado, being in the Navy, and because of my Penn State degree. I feel very blessed to have the family that I have, the support that I have from them, and for such an abundance of life experiences! We only have one life to live, so make the best of what you've been given, and with the least amount of regrets along the way! God bless America, and Go Penn State!!!